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Honey and Beeswax Products made in Hampshire by a devoted family of beekeepers.

Beeswax Products

Beeswax wrap refresher block

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Beeswax wrap refresher block


This block is ideal for using to refresh beeswax wraps when they are starting to wear. Grate the block with a fine cheese grater onto your cloth and either iron over the cloth using greaseproof paper underneath and over the top of the wax and cloth to melt the wax into the cloth, or pop the cloth covered in grated wax into the oven on a piece of greaseproof paper on a baking tray for 2 - 3 minutes on the lowest setting on your oven.

Alternatively, melt the whole block in a bain marie and coat the cloth with the mix, and pop in the oven as above.

Full instructions included with the block.

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